$697.00 USD

The Mastering Your Missing Piece Retreat

A 2 1/2 day virtual interactive Adventure
May 3rd-May5th!

Experience this "group immersion" in your most comfortable surroundings, allowing you to "dive deep" and get as many "missing pieces" to your own personal puzzle that you can muster! 

PLUS...there's more than just this LIVE EVENT...

After the weekend you receive this with your registration:

  • A LIVE 2 hour Post Event Integration group call. This is LIVE with Joyce and the group after a month of integration after the retreat. During the first  month after the retreat, YOU are still co-creating with me and yourself. Meeting provides  the chance to talk together, and the call will be recorded for your future use. 
  • Joyce's ebook “WHAT’S MY MISSING PIECE?”, which details the "Your Actual Container™" system, the basis for my "Sacred Weight Loss™" system and contains the Essences and their use.

  • A video tutorial of the Royal Gem Qigong exercises for you to practice at home. Breathe in, get the benefits of the ancient art of Qigong and experience the healing energies of the Royal Gems Essences all at once. It’s a game changer.

  • 50% Discounts on future Courses. You’ll receive a 50% savings coupon to be used for one of our module courses. You’ll also receive a special “bonus” offer on our next LIVE WITH JOYCE course. Once you are a member you will receive notices of all our free offerings throughout the year and specials that may apply to private sessions.

  • Four (4) guided meditations with Royal Gems NOT included in the retreat. These are additional energetic meditations to add to your collection to lead to deeper manifestation of effects when combined with the information you have already received.

It's ALL about YOU!