$1,295.00 USD

The Life Self-Mastery System - The Outer Circle: How You Do It

GOLD PLAN - The Whole Enchilada

Personal Access/JOYCE LIVE/ Module On-Line Course

What you'll get:

  • Personal Access throughout the 6 week course. You will be able to ask your questions that are specific to your needs and get one-on-one response every week. Via email or text...Joyce will respond personally to you via video (audio can be supplied per request). 

  • Joyce LIVE every week for a 75 minute in-depth "extra" insight into the specific area of coverage for that week. Each week builds upon another as others share their journey through the process that unfolds. 6 weeks in all. 

  • will receive all modules and materials to The Life Self-Mastery System -The Outer Circle for perpetual use.

  • private community access for group networking and sharing - recordings of sessions are posted here for "members only".